Meet the Principal

Marjorie Hylton is the founder and principal of the Promise Learning Centre in Kingston ,Jamaica, which for the past 17 years has been offering special education services for children with autism. Mrs. Hylton is a special educator and trainer for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. The school is the only one of its kind in Jamaica and caters to the needs of children at the Early childhood, Primary and Junior high level. The students level of disabilities range from mild to severe.
University of the West Indies, Mona
Master of Education(Educational Psychology) with Distinction Sept 2009
University of the West Indies, Mona
Bachelor of Education in Special Ed. (with First Class Honors) June 2005
Life Bible College Diploma in Ministerial Training June 2002
Mico University (Diploma in Special Education ) June 1988
Mrs. Hylton has been instrumental in the establishment of Learning Centres at McCam Centre & Promise Learning Centre, Development of Behaviour Modification Programs, Organisation of a Music Band, Facilitation of Mentorship programme for new teachers, and facilitation of students with autism participation in JCDC Festivals. Under her careful supervision of the program she is also Guidance Counselor for students at school, and advisor to parents of children with Autism.
Over the years Mrs. Hylton has been actively involved in international training seminars, serving on the Board of Directors of PLC, is a member of the Jamaica Autism Support Association, several community projects and has been interviewed and featured by the media:
Ø Autism Project Coordinator McCam Centre 1991-1993
Ø Secretary Tryall Heights Citizen Assoc. 1994-1995
Ø Autism Training Workshop, Ottawa, Toronto 1995
Ø Autism Conference, California, USA 1997
Ø Gleaner Feature Outlook (Overcoming obstacles) 2003
Ø The Daily observer-All Woman 2009
Ø The Barbados Advocate 2012
Professionally she presents at numerous Medical and Educational seminars on various aspects of teaching children with Autism. Most Recently, Mrs Hylton completed a research on : earning a distinction. Her work has been published in the libraries of the University of the West Indies. Mrs. Marjorie Hylton has worked assiduously in her commitment to her career and has earned several awards:
Award of Excellence (UWI, Mona) 2010
First Class Honours Graduate 2005
Valedictorian Award - Life Bible College 2002
Invaluable Service in the field of Special
Education (Promise Learning PTA) 1997
Mrs. Marjorie Hylton is married to Darrington and has two children. She is very passionate about children with special needs and especially those diagnosed with autism.